Pain Treatment, Wellness
Can your diet affect joint pain? Joint pain may be experienced as a result of an acute injury, such as an ankle sprain, knee sprain, or rotator cuff tear. Joint pain may also accompany varying types of joint inflammation, including osteoarthritis (degenerative joint...
Modern life is full of pressure, stress and frustration. Worrying about your job security, being overworked, driving in rush-hour traffic, arguing with your spouse – all these create stress. According to a recent survey by the American Psychology Association,...
A Activator:A spring-loaded adjusting instrument that utilizes an extremely rapid pulse to help restore normal functioning in the body. Acupressure:The practice of applying; pressure on parts of the body to relieve pain. Acupuncture:The practice of inserting fine...
Injuries, Wellness
Many adults begin to develop shoulder pain, even though they may not have sustained a specific injury. It’s important to pay attention to such shoulder issues, as a healthy shoulder joint is the key to full function of the upper extremities. We all know at least...
Injuries, Wellness
The great TV classic ER helps teach armchair physicians to become amateur diagnosticians. He’s in shock! She’s got kidney stones! Rule-out pheochromocytoma! But sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. You’ve learned...